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Request a Library Class


Submit this form to schedule library, research, or information literacy instruction session for your students. A librarian will be assigned based on your preference (if any), your primary campus location, and librarian availability. Please submit your request at least 1 week in advance of your preferred class date.

* is required

Please review the following information. You must consent to and honor these conditions in order for your class to be held.

Library classes can be held in-person or online through Zoom. Librarian visits to a campus classroom may be accommodated at the discretion of the teaching librarian. Recorded video lectures may also be requested. 

Our classes are very effective when they are aligned with an assignment. If students are working on a research assignment, scheduling a library session about 2-4 weeks before the assignment's due date is ideal. Provide any assignment instructions to your librarian prior to the class. 

Requests submitted less than 1 week before your preferred session date may not be able to be accommodated. This time allows for scheduling delays, gives your librarian time to prepare, and ensures we'll still be able to provide research help to other students during your class time.

Your presence and participation as the instructor is required during the library class. Students are more motivated when their instructor is with them and your comments and answers to questions help students understand your assignment and how research fits into it.

Are you interested in having a librarian work with your students in your Blackboard course throughout the semester as well as teaching a class session? Submit an Embedded Librarian Request instead. 

Have questions? Email the librarians at

Acknowledgement: *
Campus location: *
Type of instruction desired: *
The librarian should cover (select all that apply with class length taken into consideration): *
Sources students are allowed to use (select all that apply): *